
TAALERI PLC           INVESTOR NEWS             6 AUGUST 2024 AT 11:00 (EEST)

Taaleri will publish its Half-Year Financial Report for January–June 2024 on Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Taaleri will publish its Half-Year Financial Report for January–June 2024 on Tuesday, 20 August 2024 at approximately 8:00 a.m. EEST.

An analyst, investor and media conference will be held in English by CEO Peter Ramsay and CFO Ilkka Laurila the same day at 11:00 EEST at Event Venue Eliel at Sanomatalo, Töölönlahdenkatu 2, Helsinki. To join the event, please register by email to linda.tierala@taaleri.com latest on Tuesday, 13 August 2024.

The conference can be followed as a live webcast at https://taaleri.videosync.fi/q2-2024. The management presentation is followed by a Q&A session. Questions can be placed either live at the conference or through the webcast chat function. A recording of the event will be available on Taaleri’s investor pages at www.taaleri.com/en/investors/reports-and-presentations.


Taaleri Plc


For more information and registrations, please contact:

Linda Tierala, Head of Investor Relations and Communications, +358 40 571 7895, linda.tierala@taaleri.com


Taaleri in brief

Taaleri is a Nordic investment and asset manager that focuses on businesses with industrial-scale opportunities within bioindustry and renewable energy. We create value by combining extensive know-how, deep expertise, entrepreneurship and capital through both funds under management and direct investments. We have been a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) since 2010, and we joined the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative in 2021. Taaleri’s vision is to become a leading investment manager operating internationally in bioindustry and renewable energy.

Taaleri has EUR 2.6 bn of assets under management in its private equity funds and co-investments. The company has approximately 125 employees. Taaleri Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.


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