Invitation to Taaleri Capital Markets Day 22 November 2023
Taaleri invites analysts, institutional investors, other capital market representatives and media to its Capital Markets Day on Wednesday 22 November 2023. The event will be held at Event Venue Eliel, at Töölönlahdenkatu 2, Helsinki, Finland.
The event focuses on Taaleri’s updated strategy, which will be announced before the Capital Markets Day. Through management presentations, the attendees will hear about Taaleri’s plans to execute its strategy, create value and reach its financial targets. In addition to CEO Peter Ramsay and CFO Minna Smedsten, the speakers will be Taaleri's management.
Anyone can follow the event via a live webcast at https://taaleri.videosync.fi/cmd-2023/register starting at 13:00. The recording of the event will be available at the same address shortly after the event.
The presentation materials will be available on Taaleri’s website https://www.taaleri.com/en/investors/reports-and-presentations at the beginning of the event. The language of the event and the materials is English. It is possible to ask the management questions both at the venue and via the webcast.
Agenda of Taaleri’s Capital Markets Day 2023
12:30 Registration
13:00 Webcast begins
Presentations continue
16:00 Webcast ends
16:45 Event ends
The program is subject to change. A more detailed agenda will be available at https://www.taaleri.com/en/investors/capital-markets-day closer to the event.
According to the current estimate, a maximum of 40 people can attend the event. The places intended for analysts, institutional investors and media representatives will be filled in order of registration. Please send your registration for the event by 10 November 2023 to siri.markula@taaleri.com.
Taaleri Plc
For further information, please contact:
Head of Investor Relations, Sustainability and Communications Siri Markula, +358 40 743 2177, siri.markula@taaleri.com
Taaleri in brief
Taaleri is a Nordic investment and asset manager with an emphasis on renewable energy and other alternative investments. We channel capital towards economically profitable undertakings that have a lasting positive impact on the environment and society. We are a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) since 2010, and we joined the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative in 2021. Taaleri’s vision is to be a Nordic forerunner in alternative investments focusing on sustainability.
Taaleri has two business segments: Private Asset Management and Strategic Investments. Private Asset Management consists of renewable energy, real estate and bioindustry businesses. The Strategic Investments segment includes Garantia Insurance Company Ltd.
Taaleri has EUR 2.6 bn of assets under management in its private equity funds and co-investments. The company has approximately 120 employees. Taaleri Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.