Taaleri publishes reports outlining its financial position and performance quarterly.

The company’s key figures are summarised in the key figures table, which presents the latest published figures and comparison data from the previous corresponding period and from the five preceding years.

Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement and Key Figures

Group key figures 2024 2023 2022** 2021 2020 2019*
Earnings key figures
Continuing earnings, MEUR 40.5 39.9 36.8 40.7 35.9 55.3
Continuing earnings growth, % 1.6% 8.4% N/A 13.5% N/A 6.3%
Income, MEUR 70.5 66.3 58.9 69.7 40.0 67.2
Operating profit, MEUR 38.0 31.9 27.3 30.8 12.3 19.6
Operating profit, % 53.9% 48.1% 46.3% 44.2% 30.8% 29.2%
Profit for the period in consolidated income statement, MEUR 32.5 26.5 21.3 136.1 13.0 11.5
Return on equity, % 15.3% 13.0% 10.0% 75.0% 10.0% 9.3%
Balance sheet key figures
Equity ratio, % 73.8% 67.8% 66.9% 72.1% 49.7% 46.6%
Other key figures
Cost/income ratio 48.9% 52.8% 55.2% 58.3% 77.0% 74.7%
Full time employees, at the end of the period 129 111 106 104 92 186
Marketcap, MEUR 226 254 316 317 230 238
Assets under management, BEUR 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.2 1.7 7.1
Guaranty insurance portfolio, BEUR 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.8
*On April 30, 2021, Taaleri completed the sale of its wealth management operations to Aktia and recognized a tax-free gain of EUR 111.1 million on the transaction. Taaleri applies the requirements of IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations in the classification, presentation, and recognition of sale of the wealth management operations. The figures in the key figures table above for 2020 and onwards correspond to the figures for continuing operations according to segment reporting.
**Taaleri has implemented the IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts standard on 1 January 2023. The figures for 2022 in this table are adjusted comparison figures.