Skilled and knowledgeable Taaleri employees are the foundation of our success.  Committed and thriving personnel are a prerequisite for achieving Taaleri’s goals and implementing its strategy.

We want to make sure that the management, remuneration and development of our personnel support the achievement of the company’s goals in both the short and the long term. As is stated in our values, we at Taaleri respect and value our colleagues, care for each other and want to succeed together.

We annually prepare an action plan based on our strategy to develop our personnel and their competence. To ensure a safe and inclusive working environment, our actions are guided by Taaleri’s Code of Conduct, Personnel Policy, Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan, as well as our operating instructions for incidents of inappropriate treatment.

Every Taaleri employee is entitled to a safe and healthy working environment. Any kind of inappropriate treatment, bullying, harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated in the Taaleri work community.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

During 2023, we conducted two extensive surveys: a redesigned personnel survey and a mapping survey, which asked about the employees’ experiences related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) at Taaleri. We actively promote equality and inclusion for example in our recruitment processes.

Percentage of employees by assumed gender and position 2024

Female Male
Board of Directors 33% 67%
Executive Management Team 0% 100%
Other supervisors 31% 69%
Other employees 38% 62%

Read more about Taaleri employees and social responsibility key figures for example in our Annual Report and Personnel Policy.

The Annual Report, policies and other guiding documents are available here.